We Provide consultancy and turnkey services to Develop and Establish Construction and Demolition waste processing plant. A plant of 100 TPD capacity to process Construction and Demolition waste has been established by Indore Municipal Corporation under our consultancy and supervision. The C&D waste may become a great savior for available natural resources. Its effective management would surely provide a milestone step in environment friendly development framework in the country. For example, the river sand is primarily used for building and construction purpose, the increase in its demand almost double in last two decades impose adverse environment impact of sand mining. The manufactured sand from C&D waste or use of waste plastic in structural concrete can become a possible and sustainable alternative of sand.
Construction & Demolition (C&D) Waste, is one of the most challenging issues being faced by the rapidly developing country like India. C&D waste consists of waste that is generated during new construction, remodeling, renovation, repair and alteration of residential, commercial, government or institutional buildings, industrial, commercial facilities and demolition of buildings, roads, bridges, dams, tunnels, railways and airports. Often contain Concrete, Metals and plastics, Wood, Asphalt, Gypsum, Salvaged building components such as doors, windows and fixtures, Masonry, bricks and other miscellaneous. C&D debris often contains bulky, heavy materials that include: